Friday, April 15, 2011

Survey Says!

What a week.  Dad had scans on Monday and got results on Wednesday.  It appears all of the thickening on his abdomen seen in surgery is gone!  The main mass doesn't appear to have shrunk very much, but he does have evidence that it is responding.  HE CAN PEE! Who knew that could be such exciting news?  His doctors are so encouraged by his progress and how well he is handling the chemo.  I'm convinced they are actually surprised.  I truly believe they underestimated his spirit.  Something we cannot measure by science.  He bought an exercise bike last week and rode five miles his first day.  I doubt I could (or maybe would) go five miles.  And I am a 'healthy' person.  Five miles!  I think a triathlon sprint is a twelve mile bike ride.  What's he gonna do when my community pool opens next month?  Spirit.  Will.  If you want something bad enough, you will give it everything you have.  And he is fighting this hard while dealing with some of the horrible side effects of chemotherapy.  He will not go gentle into that good night.  This experience has not only affirmed, but deepened my respect for him.

The good news for me is that I more than survived the audit, my team came through it favorably.  What an intense month.  The toughest two rounds of chemo and the most intense time I've had at work so far.  The noticeable lack of tension in my body last night was amazing. Good news for dad on Wednesday and good news for me on Thursday.  Huge sigh.  Now I just need a week at a resort full of sleep, booze and massages!  Then I might be back to normal.  HA!  Normal.  Hmm.


  1. That's fantastic news, Mel. WOOHOO. So grateful for you guys and praying always...

  2. Love you to bits.
