Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

I've been told per ca pita, Houston has the most churches, restaurants and strip clubs.  I don't know how true that really is, but drive a few miles down I-10 and one can be convinced this is fact rather quickly.  This week I've heard a bit about all of the different services planned to reflect on Christ's sacrifice.  As romantic as they sound, and I mean no disrespect (whatever makes one feel close to God is not for me to judge), but it all feels a bit empty to me.  I've witnessed a lot of cooler than thou Christians, a lot of man made liturgy and basically a real lack of the Holy Spirit.  I'm not exactly sure why, but this morning I felt a lot of anger over this.  I had a real urge to go table flipping as Christ did in the synagogue.  But I am just as guilty and full of sin as the next guy.  I have no right to flip anyone's table.  I think these reverent services can be beautiful and that as Christians we should not forget the importance of the days leading up to the resurrection.  Instead of washing each others feet and eating a last supper meal on Maundy Thursday, how about making sandwiches and passing them out to hungry people?  Washing the feet of someone you don't like or don't know?  With all of the pomp and circumstance of our modern day services, I'm not sure we could actually even recognize Him?  Would he be cool enough to invite to your table for supper?  Would you wash his feet?  Would I?  I don't know.  I hope so.  For some reason it feels good in our flesh to be still and reflective on Good Friday so we can really cut loose and party on Sunday.  I'm just not feeling that's what we're supposed to do.  It seems modern church caters to what makes its people feel good.

This is definitely a rant so apologies if this feels pointed, it's not.  Questions I have mostly for me.  I just don't think this is what Christ would want from us.  It feels exclusive and self praising.  I don't think that's why he did what he did.  I believe his motive was to free us.  Would you want your children mourning your sacrifice year after year after 2000 years?  This entire week should be a lively celebration!  And it will.  On Sunday.  Everyday of our lives should be lived as a celebration of love and gratitude.  Isaiah said the best we have to offer God are filthy rags.  I think of that a lot.  I think of standing in Heaven next to Mother Teresa and all either of us have in works are filthy rags.  Hard to imagine.  I know we are not saved by works, we are saved by grace.  Paul told us not to judge one another whether or not we choose to keep a day so long as we keep it in the name of the Lord.  It's not for me to say or judge and no one is better than the other for doing/not doing something on these days.  But if we are striving to be Christ like, shouldn't our love be radical?  Why are we instead drawn to flogging ourselves over this special week?  I prefer the party.  The joy.  Love.  Free love.  His love.

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